About Us
Pest & Termite Inspections
We are Brisbane’s top termite and pest inspectors. We do:
> Pre Purchase and Pre Sale termite inspections
> Regular structural pest inspections
> Meeting all standards of the AS4349.3
> Giving you peace of mind for your investment
Termites are a huge issue for homes and buildings across Australia. In recent CSIRO reports it is estimated that around $200 million worth of damage is caused by termites in Australia, each year.
It is of course essential that with every purchase you receive termite inspections, and ours more than covers what is necessary. If required we can even provide a next day written document displaying the results of our expert property review.
Our Structural Pest Inspections are created to the essential standards of all inspections, the AS4349.3. This includes an extensive analysis of the premises, finding insect damage, bug activity, activity from borers, damage from borers, and prior termite treatment (where evidence can be found), construction termite methods put in place during the creation of the building, subfloor ventilation (where applicable), wood degeneration and can also include a Termite and Borer Management Solution for a lengthy term safeguard of the property.
Make sure that you have a Timber pest inspection by experienced professionals at the minimum of once every twelve months. Call us today to organise an extensive and personal inspection for pests today!